Monday, 1 September 2014

School Buildings and stuff

Hi again!
Can't remember when I last wrote a new post this quick after the previous one, haha. Anyways, things are starting to 'roll' here so to say. School feels more or less like school, meaning you really feel the stress again with homework, essay writing, quizzes and so on. It is time by time hard to remember to prioritize things. I mean, at the moment I could be reading about the causes of the First World War, but instead I'm planning on finishing this post. Doing it all for you folks at home, really, why wouldn't I?
Anyways, what have I been doing lately? Well, on Saturday me and Sara (another girl from Finland doing the IB here) took the train and went to Brussels, the capital. It took us only 30 minutes by train and everything went nice and smooth, thanks to Alec (another IB student) who helped us buy the tickets and where to get off. Yeah, and he even made sure we would take the right train back home, how nice of him!
All we did was shopping, basically, and some sightseeing also. Brussels is so nice, very big, but it felt a bit empty. It was probably due to the school start, I mean, do they not start school in rest of Europe like TODAY?! Oh well, that wasn't the last time we will go there, still too much to see! (You'd think two years would be enough to explore every corner of the city, but well that's something we'll have to find out later I guess).
What else? Done some jogging around the city of Waterloo, IN THE RAIN. We've also done our best at exploring the castle and its many rooms. Still eating the best food ever. Tried to make the last days of summer count (not really, it has been raining A LOT). And when the sun is shining I'm sitting inside reading... But on Wednesday we're leaving to Northern France for a 3-day-long school trip, how nice! And even better is, that it will be purely history based! I'm really looking forward to it!

That is all for now. I'll catch up with you later! Until then, take care!

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