Saturday, 8 November 2014


 Hi there! So sorry for being absent for such a long time from here, would not even mention this if it wasn't for my laziness, in fact I took these pictures like a month ago...
Well, anyways! Time flies, at least if feels so to me. It is only about seven weeks till Christmas folks! What has happened lately? A lot of stuff, I wish I could write a short essay about everything haha. We had our autumn break last week so I flew home and visited all my friends and family and also packed a bunch of new stuff with me to my new room here. It was so nice to home just for a while and meet all my dear ones. We even had snow!
Here back in the Belgian end again the weather is still quite good and sunny, but to be honest it is starting to get a bit more chilly here, too.

Time is ticking away, didn't even notice I never posted any pictures from Brugge that we visited approximately a month ago. It was such a nice and beautiful city that I can warmly recommend you to visit if you happen to be passing by nearby. All the pictures are from there.

Soon I'll go down to have some breakfast, or as lucky as we are we have a brunch every Saturday and Sunday. Later on today we were planning on making our way down to Brussels city centre to enjoy the sunny day with good food and great company.

Take care!

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