Friday, 20 June 2014

My life is about to change

Without further ado, I am Alina, a 17-year-old both Swedish and Finnish speaking schoolgirl from Finland. Well, just the young lady behind this blog. Hopefully from now on you will 'get to know me' a bit better via this blog along the way.
I would to start off by letting you know the 'main reason' behind this blog at the moment, and hopefully for two years forward. I mean, in an instant it has changed, but I see that only as a good thing. My activity here has been very, very poor recently...
But so the thing is, my life is about to change, big time. Or it has started to change already, or it changes all the time, but you know when it does it in like this short amount of time, and then suddenly nothing's the same anymore.
Well, quite precisely one and a half months ago I got a letter that literally changed my whole life. In that very moment I couldn't believe what I was reading. I had been given a scholarship that enables me to study the IB diploma abroad, for two years and in the end, if all goes well, I will be graduating in June 2016.
I will be living in an old 19th century castle with many, many other young students, and study in a boarding school situated in the heart of Europe. All that hard work finally payed off. Every single tear and feeling of doubt was worth it. I can just be happy for what I have achieved, finally it was my turn, and yet I could not believe it (but who would blame me for that, though).
Slowly everything is starting to sink in, in less than two and a half months I will be moving abroad, on my own, without my parents, close family and friends. And, well, I could not be more excited! I have a feeling 2014 will be an amazing and unforgettable year! I already finished working for this summer, so now I'll have a few weeks time to just relax, maybe do a little bit of studying and then I'm off again. But more about that later...
And yes, if you feel like you want to follow my journey, this blog makes it possible. You are warmly welcome to read it any time, though I won't guarantee you posts regularly, but I'll do my best!

Trevlig midsommar!



  1. You could be a bit more active with updating :U

    1. I'm very sorry I haven't been the best 'blogger', but to me this blog isn't my number one priority, so I don't want to force anything. I try to update when I find it necessary. So if you can wait till August, I promise updates will be dropping in again in a faster pace. :-)
